Seeking New Agreements for Working with Nature through Enhancing Agricultural Biodiversity
In this first article in our new column, Agroecology in Motion: Nourishing Transformation, Patrick Mulvany, (HRF, CAWR), makes a call to radically foreground a more robust and transformative understanding of agricultural biodiversity, especially the need to enhance the agricultural biodiversity embedded within all seeds, breeds and agroecosystems, making these more heterogeneous and resilient. This approach…
2020 – a Super Year for Biodiversity?
At the end of February, a meeting of the Convention on Biodiversity (CBD) to develop the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework was held in FAO, Rome. I was there with the IPC for Food Sovereignty. Delegates were preparing a plan of actions needed to reverse biodiversity loss. The hype leading up to the meeting was that it marked the…