
Centre-for-Agroecology-Water-and-ResilienceThe Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience (CAWR) is driving innovative, transdisciplinary research on the understanding and development of resilient food and water systems internationally. Read More…


grainGRAIN’s work can be broadly divided into two fields: information work and movement building. On the information side, we specialise in monitoring and analysing trends that are affecting farmers’ and rural communities’ control over agricultural biodiversity. Read More…


euro_via_logoThe European Coordination Via Campesina is a European grassroots organization which currently gathers 28 national and regional farmers, farm workers and rural organizations based in 18 European countries. Read More…


bede-logoBEDE (Biodiversity: Exchange and dissemination of Experiences) is an international solidarity association founded in 1994. In connection with fifty organisations from different French, European and international networks, BEDE contributes to the protection and promotion of initiatives for peasant farming and ecological agriculture through information and networking. Read More…


firabThe Italian Foundation for Research in Agriculture Organic and Biodynamic ( FIRAB ) was founded in 2007 through the initiative of its founding members: AIAB, UILA, Legambiente and the Italian Association of Biodynamic. It promotes actions to experiment, action research, exchange farmer-to- farmer and dissemination and technical and scientific dissemination. Read More…


logoThe Landworkers’ Alliance are a organisation of people who make their livelihoods from producing food, fuel and fibre using sustainable methods of production. Read More…


agronautenDIE AGRONAUTEN (The Agronauts) are a nonprofit research association for sustainable food systems and regional economics. Our base is the region of Freiburg in southwestern Germany. Read More…


fracpLa Fédération Romande d’Agriculture Contractuelle de Proximité (FRACP) aim to build and support the movement of Agriculture Contractuelle de Proximité (ACP, known as Community Supported Agriculture in English) in Switzerland. Read More…


This site builds initially on the outcomes of two main projects:
Democratizing Agricultural Research in Europe (funded by the EU Grundtvig program) and the Agroecology for Food Sovereignty Project.



EU Lifelong Learning Programme Grundtvig
A Team Foundation (UK)
Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience (UK)