Category: Projects


    Final Declaration of the Organisers of the International Gathering for Food Sovereignty in Pau, France. BEDE- Réseau Semences paysannes – Confédération Paysanne de l’Aude-Village d’Emmaus Lescar-Pau. More than 250 representatives of civil society and peasant organisations have been hosted by companions in the Emmaus Lescar-Pau village; they have come from 29 countries and met on…

  • Seeds in the Hands of Farmers

    Twenty-five years ago, GRAIN got started with a focus on seeds, and it has remained a central focus of our work. The biodiversity in farmers’ fields is eroding at alarming rates, while corporations are reaching unprecedented levels of control over seeds through their push for hybrid and genetically modified seeds. Around the world, governments are…

  • Jardin Interior: Spaces for Transformation in Seville.

    Urban spaces and urban food systems are continuously challenged, negotiated and remade by women and men, as groups and as individuals. Whilst much has been written about the radical potentials of urban agriculture, the reality is less clear. Urban gardens reflect broader social and economic trends as well as the individual and collective politics of…

  • Community Supported Agriculture in Europe

    A comprehensive overview of Community Supported Agriculture in Europe has been released by Urgenci – The International Network for Community Supported Agriculture.  The report aims to give insight into the state of Community Supported Agriculture across Europe, exploring the range of emerging food distribution systems, particularly direct marketing and producer or consumer led models, from…

  • Beyond Paris: the global food system, a driving force behind the climate crisis

    The global food system is one of the main drivers of climate change. By our calculations, it is responsible for around half of all global greenhouse gas emissions. Still, the issue is hardly being talked about at the climate summits that governments hold every year. How is that? Agriculture is supposed to be about turning…

  • Agroecological family farmers can become “the backbone of food security in Europe”

    In September 2015, family farmer Jyoti Fernandes spoke at a Policy Debate in the European Parliament. Being part of the UK Landworkers’ Alliance and the European Coordination of La Vía Campesina (host of the debate), Jyoti articulated the need for the EU to support family farmers and for farmer organizations to be given voice in…

  • New publication: Building, defending and strengthening agroecology

    New publication: Building, defending and strengthening agroecology

    September 2015: A new publication  (Français and Español) and video explore the meaning and politics of agroecology from social movement perspectives. They are produced by the Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience (CAWR) of Coventry University and ILEIA, the Centre for Learning on Sustainable Agriculture. “Agroecology is the answer to how to transform and repair our…

  • Putting Agroecology on the Plate in the EU: Joining food providers, the FAO and scientists in the global agroecology movement

    Putting Agroecology on the Plate in the EU: Joining food providers, the FAO and scientists in the global agroecology movement

    “We have built Agroecology through many initiatives and struggles…Policy makers cannot move forward on Agroecology without us… join us in the collective task of collectively constructing Agroecology as part of our popular struggles to build a better world, a world based on mutual respect, social justice, equity, solidarity and harmony with our Mother Earth.” –…

  • Agroecology – Vision, Practice, Movement: Voices From Social Movements

    A movement is growing. While agroecology has been practiced for millennia in diverse places around the world, today we are witnessing the mobilisation of transnational social movements to build, defend and strengthen agroecology as the pathway towards a most just, sustainable and viable food and agriculture system. This video explores the meaning, practice and politics…

  • Democratising Agricultural Research Europe

    Project Description Democratizing Agriculture Research in Europe, or D.A.R.E., is a European Union funded Grundtvig project that aims to foster face-to-face exchange of experiences, practices, methodologies and co-operation between agricultural producers, researchers and food activists to increase awareness on the cultural, social and economic dimensions of European agro-environmental initiatives. DARE is built on a partnership between 4…