Curated Guide to Resources About Agroecology

(In development)

We are curating a list of resources on “Existing collections of resources, cases, examples and stories of agroecology.” This will be woven into a chapter in a book that is being published soon about the follow-on from the IAASTD report on its 10 year anniversary.

As a part of the process we are developing a companion database of Agroecology resources in seven categories to help a reader find resources to support the development of a transformative agroecology. The accompanying chapter will also provide a guide to help readers/users to view the resources critically considering who and why someone has presented a particular ‘example’ or set of examples of agroecology and to keep a focus towards a transformative rather than a technocratic agroecology.

New resources can be suggested by filling in this form.

Note: To keep this manageable, we are aiming to include a list of collections of case studies, rather than single case studies. If you have a single case study (written up or as a video) but it is not a part of a collection, you may wish to have yours added to one of the collections that invites new contributions (e.g. the FAO Agroecology Database).

The following table is a work in progress and we hope to add a more sophisticated, searchable database.